Water Levels

Namekagon River (Hayward to St. Croix/Namekagon Confluence)Unofficial Namekagon River Level:   

800 – 10/15/2024 

Water levels are obtained unofficially and are for reference only.  There is no guarantee the level or range information is accurate.  Please contact the NPS for any warnings or closures on the river way. Jack’s Canoe Rental will not rent or shuttle boats when water levels are deemed unsafe.  Jack’s water level information is gathered in part from the electronic USGS St. Croix River gauge near Danbury, Wi and our unofficial river gauge at Jack’s landing in Trego, WI.  We also take into consideration weather forecasts, visitor input and visual watermarks from various landings on the Namekagon River.  Please contact us for more information or questions on current water levels. Jack’s Trego gauge is 75% of the gauge number and is measured at the 50 year average normal height of 1400.  +/- 1″ equals +/-100 on the range chart. ( gauge of 1700 would be 3 inches above normal height). 12 1/2% of the gauge is taken from the USGS ST. Croix river gauge. 12 1/2 % of the gauge is taken from the previous and future weather and precipitation forecasts, watermarks at Namekagon river landings and visitor input.  We don’t have any way to control or monitor the amount of water being released from the Energy dams in Hayward and Trego.  Please use this gauge as a reference to help plan your trip.  Assume this gauge number has a 0% accuracy.


Extremely high conditions: 4500+

(Water moves at 4mph+ and requires advanced skills to maneuver around rocks and corners. Use extreme caution and check with NPS for warnings and river closures)

High Conditions: 2800-4500

(Water moves at 3.5-4mph with intermediate and advanced skills required to steer around hazards)

Full: 1800-2800

(Water moves at 2.5-3.5 mph with minor hazard areas.  Conditions are ideal for canoeing/kayaking without scraping on gravel bars)

Normal: 1100-1800

(Water moves at 2-3 mph with minor hazards.  Some minor scraping on gravel bars or rocks in some sections of river)

Below Normal: 700-1100

(Water moves at 2-3 mph with minor hazards.  Scouting may be required to avoid gravel bars or rocks.  Polyethylene canoes recommended)

Low: under 700

(Water moves at 2-3 mph with minor hazards.  Polyethylene canoe and kayaks recommended.  Weight limits in canoes should be considered)

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